Esco – Node JS, React JS (Next. JS), Amazon EC2

Client Profile
The ESCO Institute offers over 200 HVACR training solutions, including accreditation, credentialing, student assessments, and industry certifications. They also provide curriculum development, publishing, data registry, custom software, and professional development through their National HVACR Educators and Trainers Conference. Notably, ESCO is the largest provider of the EPA Section 608 Certification.
Client Industry
Education Administration Programs
Business Challenges
Before teaming up with Plego, the Esco team connected with Plego after running into functionality and speed issues with the previous application. They were looking to resurrect their 20-year-old application, aiming for a smoother and more seamless experience.
They sought to revamp the app using a current tech stack while maintaining the same workflow but improving features and speed.
Their app just couldn’t keep up with the load of their operating companies and struggled to:
- Manage data for thousands of students.
- Print or download certificates, sometimes taking up to 20 minutes.
- Keep track of internal and external employees.
- Handle the massive data from their annual conferences.
We were able to bring home an ERP application that transformed ESCO’s data management from the ground up.
The new application seamlessly supported their entire workflow and made it easy to manage data for their:
- Education institutes, enabling them to organize and conduct trainings, courses, and diplomas.
- Enrolled students, providing comprehensive information on their exams, personal details, invoicing, grading, and certification.
- Internal and external employees, including directories, users, and proctors.
- Products, catalogs, and inventory.
- Conferences, helping them plan and organize seminars, register attendees, and manage materials all in one place.
In addition, Plego’s solution included:
- A revamped admin panel to efficiently manage student and company demographics.
- An individual-centric approach to better handle roles and permissions.
- A new student identification method to prevent errors with names and SSNs.
- A detailed audit history feature to track changes.
- SSN masking to protect student privacy.
- Integration with a third-party service for address verification, saving costs on invalid mailings.
- Digital certificates and badges to modernize their certification offerings.
- Integration with Microsoft Identity System for robust security.
By addressing these challenges head-on, Plego helped ESCO move from a cumbersome, obsolete system to a sleek, efficient, and modern application that meets their needs today and sets them up for future success.
Once the admin logs in, they are directed to a simple screen displaying cards with key counts and important information accessible through links and tabs for instant updates. The Hamburger menu offers a seamless experience with all features listed under different sections.

Under Directory, there is a section for Sites where the admin can manage and import information for their child companies and shipping sites. Admins can also apply filters and view detailed rows by clicking the + button to expand.

Internal and External Employees
Admins can easily manage their internal and external employees under the Directory tab, allowing for easy filtering, viewing, and seamless export of employee details.

Accredited Programs
This area provides details of accredited programs, enabling admins to view lists of educational institutes, program details, actions, and course orders. The “Action View” sub-section helps admins take necessary actions on these programs.

Here, admins can find all user details for the ESCO. They can easily add, filter, export, or delete users.

Proctor Applications
Plego enhanced ESCO’s workflow by enabling a position-switchable feature, allowing students to become proctors. This part lets admins fill out the application form for this purpose.

Student List
Under Demographics, this section lists all students with an expandable button for complete information. It helps admins manage student details seamlessly.

Add New Student
This screen displays a window with student details, including exams, notes, and employment history (if any). Admins can easily add new students using this interface.

List Orders
The list contains information on all orders from various sites, connected through API integration. Admins can filter, narrow down, cancel, save, and delete orders as needed.

Product Management
List Products
The application allows admins to manage products directly. They can view product details, add new products, and archive them as needed.

Product Details
Details including product images, pricing, and descriptions are incorporated here.

Admins can easily manage shipping details through API integration.

Event Manager
This screen provides admins with an overview of all events (new and old). It allows them to view, edit, create, and delete events individually or in bulk. Admins can also filter details and archive events as needed.

Import Exams
Admins can select test dates, student names, and SSNs. Once basic info is selected, they can filter and import exam data for specific students and view their results, including grades and percentages.

Certificates and Reports
This feature allows admins to export, print, and ship selected students’ certificates and reports within seconds, a process that previously took minutes.

Exam Listing
Admins have a comprehensive view of everything related to exams, including the exam list, details, hierarchy, question categories, prerequisites, and answer codes.

Technologies Used:
Node JS (Nest JS), MongoDB, React JS (Next. JS), Amazon EC2
Services Provided:
Application Development, Integration