M&S Technologies


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Kevin from M&S Technologies

A very responsive and collaborative team. Plego works hard to understand what you need from your project and is communicative throughout the process. On both complex web site and mobile app development they provide solid design, and the end result is a solution that you can feel confident deploying. Their team functions seamlessly with our in-house developers and knowledge sharing has been easy. I can highly recommend Plego for projects both large and small.

M&S Technologies

M&S Technologies – Ruby On Rails, MySQL, JQuery, JavaScript

Client Profile

M&S Technologies is a leader in computerized vision testing systems. With technology designed specifically to meet the needs of today’s busy ophthalmology and optometry clinics.

Client Industry

Medical Software

Business Challenges

The challenge of this project was to create an application that automates the process for a patient visiting a pediatric ophthalmologist’s office. From the time a patient enters a doctor’s office to the exam room and through the billing process, it was our goal to capture all patient data collected during a particular visit in an electronic medical record format.


Plego developed a custom EMR Application for the Pediatric Ophthalmology practice. Through extensive collaboration with industry leading pediatric ophthalmologists, Plego was able to gather and organize patient information electronically, rather than collecting information the traditional paper way. From the time the patient would walk into the office, to the exam room, and finally to the post exam billing and notation phase, this application completely automated the Ophthalmology patient visit process.

The application included a demographics questionnaire, this allowed the practice to collect information regarding the children and their parents. This Information includes name, address, contact info, etc. The form also collects Insurance information which includes a disclaimer.

A medical history questionnaire was provided as well, this collected information regarding the patient’s medical symptoms, family medical history, allergies and any other special medical conditions.

The second part of the application was the doctor’s module where the doctor could review patient information and conduct exams. The Doctor’s section included the Following Sections:

  • Demographic Review – Allowed the doctor to review patient entered data
  • Review Medical History – Allowed the doctor to review a patient’s Medical history
  • Conduct Eye Exam – Allowed the doctor to conduct a step by step comprehensive eye examination
  • Review Previous Exams – Gave the doctor access to the patient’s previous eye exams
  • Create Superbill – Billing form that was integrated with the eye exam that automatically created billing statements complete with ICD9 and CPT codes.

Superbill Screen

This is the Superbill Screen that integrates with the eye exam.

Patient Dashboard

This is the patient dashboard for the doctor to access

Eye Examination Module

This is one of the many types of eye exams provided by the eye examination module.

Technologies Used

Ruby On RailsMySQLJQuery, JavaScript

Services Provided

Web application development, EMR Application Development